Bad-Ass Book - MAKE YOUR BED


MAKE YOUR BED   William H. McRaven

This amazing little book details some of the lessons learned by retired U.S Navy Admiral, William H. McRaven, throughout his 37 year career as a Navy Seal. 

From the constant physical and mental torment of "Hell Week" as a fresh faced recruit covered in sand, to becoming Commander of all U.S Special Operations Forces as a Four Star Admiral, McRaven has lead a life of exceptional perseverance, leadership and professionalism. 

Speaking below at The University of Texas Commencement, McRaven is undoubtedly an inspiration to millions, his simply explained principles surely helping people everywhere to make the small changes that could maybe change the world. 

"We will all find ourselves neck deep in mud someday. That is the time to sing loudly, to smile broadly, to lift up those around you and give them hope that tomorrow will be a better day".
